Diana Krall《Love Scenes》内容包含12个文件,包含高清视频以及相关资料,共计:332.25M,通过百度网盘下载保存,支持在线观看或下载保存。
01.all or nothing at all.dts [51.45M]
02.peel me a grape.dts [32.64M]
03.i don’t know enough about you.dts [22.33M]
04.i miss you so.dts [26.24M]
05.they can’t take that away from me.dts [31.29M]
06.lost mind.dts [21.06M]
07.i don’t stand a ghost of a chance with you.dts [34.62M]
08.you’re getting to be a habit with me.dts [12.53M]
09.gentle rain.dts [27.37M]
10.how deep is the ocean (how high is the sky).dts [26.34M]
11.my love is.dts [19.78M]
12.garden in the rain.dts [26.62M]