披头士乐队(The Beatles)《Five Point Wonderful-CD2》内容包含27个文件,包含高清视频以及相关资料,共计:501.13M,通过百度网盘下载保存,支持在线观看或下载保存。
01.i’ll be back.dts [14.39M]
02.any time at all.dts [6.30M]
03.a hard day’s night.dts [16.87M]
04.things we said today.dts [28.10M]
05.i’ll be back(1).dts [27.71M]
06.rock and roll music.dts [27.14M]
07.all my loving.dts [24.49M]
08.i feel fine.dts [23.87M]
09.help-another girl-the night before.dts [11.92M]
10.you’re gonna lose that girl.dts [25.82M]
11.you’ve got to hide your love away.dts [23.16M]
12.ticket to ride.dts [8.22M]
13.eight days a week.dts [15.43M]
14.if you’ve got trouble.dts [29.85M]
15.drive my car-nowhere man.dts [5.88M]
16.norwegian wood.dts [10.24M]
17.yellow submarine.dts [10.84M]
18.taxman.dts [3.84M]
19.day tripper.dts [25.21M]
20.we can work it out.dts [23.92M]
21.paperback writer.dts [23.07M]
22.rain.dts [31.62M]
23.got to get you into my life.dts [7.53M]
24.and your bird can sing.dts [25.83M]
25.the word.dts [7.10M]
26.eleanor rigby.dts [21.76M]
27.for no one.dts [21.04M]