Greatest Hits (Joan Baez)(K2HD)(首批限量版)内容包含22个文件,包含高清视频以及相关资料,共计:774.88M,通过百度网盘下载保存,支持在线观看或下载保存。
01 diamonds are rust.wav [48.28M]
02 night they drove old dixie down.wav [37.08M]
03 simple twist of fate.wav [47.72M]
04 imagine.wav [34.84M]
05 in the quiet morning (for janis joplin).wav [29.68M]
06 best of friends.wav [30.85M]
07 forever young.wav [37.31M]
08 prison trilogy (billy rose).wav [44.52M]
09 jesse.wav [43.72M]
10 children and all that jazz.wav [31.48M]
11 please come to boston.wav [42.70M]
12 never dreamed you’d leave in summer.wav [27.89M]
13 gracias a la vida.wav [36.31M]
14 sweeter for me.wav [45.43M]
15 love song to a stranger.wav [39.17M]
16 dida.wav [34.86M]
17 amazing grace.wav [44.57M]
18 the ballad of sacco & vanzetti (la ballad di sacco e vanzetti).wav [46.13M]
19 oh happy day.wav [36.88M]
20 less than the song.wav [35.02M]
2011 08 05 greatest hits (joan baez)(k2hd)(首批限量版).jpg [464.55K]
2011 08 05 greatest hits (joan baez)(k2hd)(首批限量版).log [5.77K]